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Friday, 14 June 2019

How to Date Girls:

part 1

Being Your Best  

1.Project confidence. 

 One of the most attractive qualities to women is palpable confidence. Girls will be interested in you if you seem to have a lot going on: you’re involved in activities, you have friends, you speak your opinion, and you have long-term goals.

Confidence can stem from a lot of places.

There’s a big difference between confidence and arrogance.

2.Be genuine.

 Don’t pretend to be someone you aren’t - girls will be able to see right through it. There’s nothing wrong with reading up on a band you know a girl likes so you can have a conversation about it later, but don’t pretend you know how to play the guitar unless you’re prepared to play her a song at a moment’s notice. Be real, and you won’t have to lie.

3.Present yourself well.

Every girl has different preferences, or “types,” but don’t worry too much about trying to wear all the latest trends. Dress appropriately for the situation - no sleeveless shirts at a martini bar, for example - and don’t overdo it with the cologne. If you show up to a party dressed at your personal best and feeling confident, you’ll act that way - and there’s a good chance the girl you’re trying to impress will forget she even has a type.

Getting to Know Her on a Deeper Level

1.Don’t dwell too much on a girl’s appearance.

 Everyone likes receiving compliments, especially when they’ve obviously gone out of their way to dress up and look good, but that shouldn’t be the main topic of conversation.

 Give the girl you’d like to date a chance to be more than the cute dress and heels she’s wearing

2.Be a sincere conversationalist.

 Avoid pick up lines, because they don’t sound sincere. When you’re talking to a girl, say something you actually mean. When she responds, don’t just pretend to listen, really listen, and try to move the conversation to a place that feels “real.”

3.Let her get comfortable.

 When you’ve just met a girl and you want to ask her on a date, it’s very important that she feels comfortable being herself with you. Enjoy her quirks and unique qualities, and try not to be judgmental.


Being a Good Date

1.Put effort into your first date.

 Take her somewhere special. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it should be clear you put some thought into it. Share your favorite restaurant with her, or take her to a beautiful scenic spot for a picnic. If you know she likes a particular sports team, buy tickets to a game.

2.Don’t get too nervous.

 Don’t focus too much on the structure of the date. Instead, try to genuinely have a good time getting to know someone you’ve recently met. Think about all you have to learn about her, and all she has to learn about you. If you enjoy her company now, chances are she’s enjoying yours, too.

3.Get physical.

 Whether you place your hand on her back while you’re waiting in line for tickets, hold hands during a movie, or go back to your place after dinner, some kind of physical touch will increase the intimacy you feel with the girl you’re dating. Just make sure it’s all consensual.


Being Reliable

1.Call her when you say you will. 

If you ended your first date with a promise to call, follow up within the next few days.

2.Introduce her to your friends.

 Once you’ve gone on a few dates, a great way to get to know each other better is to introduce the girl you’re interested in to your friends. If they hit it off, you might be encouraged to take the relationship to a deeper level.

3.Throw in some surprises.

 Consistency is important when you’re dating, but you should also throw in some romantic surprises. The surprises will depend on the personality of the girl - maybe she’d love it if you cooked dinner for her, sent her flowers at work, or planned a fun weekend trip. She’ll be impressed by your thoughtfulness if you mix it up sometimes.


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