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Saturday, 8 June 2019

How to Kiss

Trying to figure out how to get a kiss on New Year's Eve, then let me say it's simple: Announce your need.

Tell everyone in the room: I want to be kissed.

There is no moment when your intentions may be better aligned with the nature of the event than the last second of the last minute of a year.

No one will fault you for desire on December 31. Someone comes through, generally. It is a night that gives want its chance.

I am not saying all kisses are great, nor that all kissers know what they are doing.

Other than those kinds of broad rules, kissing is a lot like sex in its uniqueness.

Each person has their own preferences, which can change throughout their lifetime.

As a sex educator, coach, and human with kissing experience, I know that what makes a toe-curling kiss for one person might fall flat for somebody else.

 Some people prefer a rougher, more intense kiss, while others want it slow and soft. For some, enjoyment of a kiss may depend entirely on the context.

During a hot hookup sesh, kissing might not be your top priority — you might want to get right down to business.

But TBH, kissing can sometimes be the most important part of any intimate moment, and there are so many different types of kisses and kissing positions you can try out. To make sure that you learn to kiss to your fullest potential, we've gathered the best tips and tricks on how to be a good kisser and *wow* anyone you touch lips with!

It's honestly pretty difficult to tell if you're actually a good kisser (even celebrities have awkward kissing tales).

And sometimes it's just about the chemistry and -tension- between you and your bae.                                
But we're here with advice that will leave you confident AF in your kissing abilities regardless of the situation. Here's how to kiss a guy (or girl), and impress the heck out of them doing so.

Good kissers always keep their eyes closed.

Seriously, there's no reason to have your eyes open while you're making out! It just makes things super awkward and kind of kills the mood.

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